Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm overwhelmed

Okay this is what my stamp room is looking like. How in the world do I get anything accomplished in there? I've started unpacking boxes, but I'm just sort of putting it into piles and that's not working. I stopped and put together some of the shelves, but then don't have enough floor space to put them where I want them. My husband says to bring everything in to the living room and then start unpacking and putting away one box at a time. Well I really don't want to lug all those boxes 2 more times. I don't know. I'm ready to close the door and forget about it, except the door probably won't close because something is in front of it. Maybe later it won't look so bad. I was going pretty good and then my sister and I went to what was a stamping garage sale. Only spent $2, but then had to go have lunch and run to Michael's and now I've lost my umph!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Dude, I really don't remember THAT much stuff being in your stamp room! :)