Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm an Angel

An Angel company angel that is! I got my starter kit today. Wow there are alot of stamps in that box. I'll be busy cutting out stamps the rest of the week. I'm planning to be primarily a hobby demo. You know, buying for myself! Maybe if I get to know any other stampers up here in Northern Illinois I'll branch out, but for now I'll be my own best customer.

Over the weekend we got my mom moved up here from Springfield. Saturday was a long day starting at about 8am and ending about 9:30pm. That included loading the truck in Springfield, driving 3 hours up here, and then unloading. Luckily there were several of us working on it. We put my 9 year old nephew to work manning the elevator. One of the residents in the building asked him if he was the new elevator operator! I told him he should have asked for a tip! Sunday we spent trying to get things set up and unpacked enough for her to sleep in the apartment last night. Which she did. Today I called around to find storage for all the extra "junk" which I managed to get by the skin of my teeth with Northern students starting to move back into the area for the fall semester.

Ed's back at work this week, so maybe I'll find some time to stamp. I've got to find room for all my new stamps and work on getting them ready to use too. Then starting Friday he's on vacation again! So know that next week, not much will get done. Oh well!

The card above is one by my friend Rachael. It's Iris Folding done for a swap for our Rubber Inker Yahoo group. I'm thinking a year or so ago.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Tell Rachael that her card is awesome! I've never tried any of the iris folding ones, yet. I hope you get some time to play! I did get quite a bit done this weekend, so I'm psyched!